On April 27th at the HC High School cafeteria twelve Harper Creek High School Seniors were honored by the Harper Creek Optimist Club for their participation in the club’s Youth Appreciation Program. The students were issued plaques recognizing their accomplishments and a meal was provided by the HC Optimist Club for the students and their family members in attendance. HC Optimist Club President, Mike Olson, opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance and providing information about club projects and programs, which support the youth of our community. Harper Creek Community Schools Superintendent, Rob Ridgeway, provided a general update on Harper Creek schools upcoming events and past programs. He proudly acknowledged the HCOC for all the services they provide for the school community. HCHS Principal, Ed Greenman, introduced the students and each gave a brief explanation about their experience of participating in the Youth Appreciation Program, in which the students job shadowed a designated HC School Administrator for a day.
The following is a list of the honored student and who they job shadowed: Kaden Nicolich - HC Superintendent, Rob Ridgeway; Atlantis Nofs – HC Assistant Superintendent, Laura Williams; Justin LaFleur - HC Facilities Director, Jim Robinson; Zachariah Clarington – HC Technology Director, Jim Maynard; Tammy Perrotta – HCHS Principal, Ed Greenman; Gracie Mario – HCHS Vice-Principal, Mike Seedorff; Madeline Parker – HC Athletic Director, Melissa Feasel; Allison Myers – HC Middle School Principal, Kim Thayer; Ava Homminga – HCMS Vice-Principal, Jason O’Farrell; McKenzie Cunningham – Sonoma Elementary Principal, Shalen King-Short; Madison Berning – Wattles Park Elementary Principal, Brent Swan and Callahan Gothberg - Beadle Lake Elementary Principal, Nneka Daniels.
Pictured (L-R) are the honored students who were able to attend the program banquet: Atlantis Nofs, Zachariah Clarington, Kaden Nicolich, Madison Berning, Gracie Mario, McKenzie Cunningham, Justin LaFleur and Ava Homminga.
Those in attendance for our club’s weekly meeting on March 14th, which was held at the Harper Creek High School cafeteria, were privileged to hear from twelve Harper Creek High School Seniors who participated in the club’s Youth Appreciation Program. This ceremony was held in conjunction with the Optimist Student of the Month program and an excellent meal was provided by the Harper Creek Community Schools for all in attendance. This program involves Harper Creek Senior students that are selected by the High School Staff relative to their excellence in demonstrating academic success and leadership skills “job shadowing” a Harper Creek school administer for a day. Each student gave a brief talk about their experience and what knowledge they obtained from participating in the program.
Faith Hayes - Director of Technology, Jim Maynard
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